Finally found the time to begin building empirically accurate models and 32 bit EXR textures to match my datacolor SpyderCHECKR 24 MacBeth chart.
I aim to build a version for every single ACES IDT to speed up VFX compositing later down the line.
Going to provide these for free to all my students so they can validate the accuracy of their live action compositing work using ACES colour managed VFX pipelines inside Blender 3D, After Effects, DaVinci Resolve and Nuke.
I aim to build a version for every single ACES IDT to speed up VFX compositing later down the line.
Going to provide these for free to all my students so they can validate the accuracy of their live action compositing work using ACES colour managed VFX pipelines inside Blender 3D, After Effects, DaVinci Resolve and Nuke.
Final Assets - Render

Work in Progress

Practice Live action Comp using s-Log 3 and ACES Colour Management
Little rough and ready test this afternoon with my Year 3 students, alongside some HDRi Capture, to road-test the new CG chart